
"infamous" Banyan Guest House (now, Professional Travel called them that we didn't). Tom Pierce and Don Edwards of Professional Travel will join the party for a few days. need rest too.


Professional Travel has added Don Edwards as an outside rep, taken in LeAnn High (a former American stewardess) to work on tours, and Liz Johnson to specialize in aiding those of us interested in cruising or chartering yachts. Tom Pierce has been promoted to General Manager congratulations, Tom!

If you're tired of calling 15 airlines and hotels, to get the best deal, a travel agent can take that headache away and make your trip a pleasure. (We've been told they have some hot shots of their last trip to Key West to share with us soon.)

On the wild side, we noted with some amazement that an Atlanta bar which has a glass dance floor over a


shark tank (!!!) had an accident the other day when a 250-pound disco nut climbed on top of a speaker over 5 feet tall and jumped off it onto the floor, breaking a section of the floor.

The floor was repaired in time for the bar to reopen at its regular time. A gay Atlanta paper commented we can't be sure just what they were saying that the sharks were not injured...

On the rave side, some of those pictures you enjoyed in our last issue will be published along with a story by your friendly neighborhood editor in the Gazette, a paper out of Atlanta.

Remember Cruise, a national gay magazine? Bob Swinden was in town a few days ago to pave the way for the magazine to return to Dallas and was gracious enough to take us and one of the Metroplex's cute young guys to dinner at the Old San Francisco Steak House.


Does the Bible condemn homosexuals? The "Moral Majority" says yes!

Rev. Don Eastman has another view to present in:


October 30,7:30 PM.

Genesis 19 Sodom Revisited


October 31, 7:30 PM. Leviticus

What's An Abomination?

SUNDAY November 1,7:00 P. M.

Romans 1 -

2336 Hemphill at Page

I Corinthians 6 When In Rome... Fort Worth, Texas 76110

(817) 926-7000

Agape Metropolitan Community Church of Jort Worth

Speaking of Cruise, we know Bob would like some nice pictures of our local hot men to get off to a good start again. The first issue debuts in December, and we're sure he won't get tired of hot men even after that so if you're interested, we'd be glad to forward some pictures to him in fact, we'd even take the pix! Be a star! Why not?

Dena Kaye, who was back at the scene at Mickey's in Fort Worth only last Saturday, tells us she's heading for Oklahoma this weekend to add new fans in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. If anybody can do it, she can. She says she's never had so much fun in her life as she is having entertaining in the gay nightspots.

By the way, just because the women all go ape over Dena is no reason why the men won't enjoy this hot young performer's singing...

Watch next issue for last call on Halloween plans at the bars. We will attempt to get information from


everyone, especially those planning contests and prizes. Of course, it doesn't take prizes to add up to a lot of fun on our very own night as it were!


Watch for future word of the impending visit of Rev. Troy Perry to Agape MCC in Fort Worth. The date isn't until December, but we aren't opposed to advance warnings. Agape MCC reports growth and is in the market for a better location to handle their success story.

We have been reprimanded for never mentioning the "madness" which takes place every Friday night at the Landing, when the women take on the audience and have their own show


complete with male impersonators and the works. Rita-who-asked-notto-be-mentioned (Eugene the Great's assistant, for our faithful readers) was very adamant on this point. Rita, for her fans, has been behind the scenes at Buns, working her buns off to help make it a success. Drop by and tell her we said hello!

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